MORSKOY ZAMOK | Administrative building and low-temperature warehouse at the factory for semi-finished fish products in Moscow

Moscow-based fish and seafood processing plant MORSKOY ZAMOK began operations in 1998 by producting crab sticks, crab meat, and crab snacks. Today, MORSKOY ZAMOK is one of Russia’s leading surimi seafood processors. The company is a modern enterprise, fitted out with the latest technological, scientific and production facilities for fish and seafood production.

During 2003, HAKA MOSCOW carried out a full range of design and construction at the company’s administration and warehouse facilities, including: producting the draft design, design, and working documentation; all construction and finishing works; installation of the engineering systems; work on engineering support (off-site and on-site networks), and landscaping.

The building exterior reflects the company’s business, being designed like a ‘Sea Castle’ using maritime themes. For example there are metal figures of seahorses mounted on the building towers.

 Project specifications:

  • Total area of 6,200 square metres

In 2002, HAKA MOSCOW performed complete range of design and construction works on a low-temperature warehouse (down to as low as -25° C) including: developing the design and working documentation; all construction and finishing works; installation of the internal engineering systems; work on the engineering facilities (off-site and on-site networks) and landscaping.

 Project details:

  • Overall building area: 1,000 square metres.