BLUM | Office and warehouse complex in Moscow Region

The Austrian corporation Julius Blum GmbH is well known for its innovations in the production of high-end furniture with branches all over the world. Blum’s products are immediately discernible by their immaculate quality and excellent functionality.

Same principles were applied, when Moscow County Region office and warehouse complex was designed and built. Complex features extensive warehouses, an office building with showroom and a training centre. The project included an option to expand later with the company’s growth.

 Project statistics:

  • Overall area – 2.5 hectares
  • Total floorspace of the building – 2,800 square metres
  • Area of the built site – 2,250 square metres

During 2005-2006, HAKA MOSCOW completed a full spectrum of design and construction work at the Blum site, including: development of draft designs, developing the design and working documentation; all construction and interior decoration work, installation of the internal engineering systems, and engineering works (off-site and on-site networks); landscaping of the entire site; in addition to the function of technical customer, from obtaining initial documentation permits through to obtaining permission to build the facility.
